Link reclamation is a process of finding and fixing broken, outdated, or unlinked mentions of a brand, product, or service on the web. The goal of link reclamation is to reclaim the lost link equity and improve a website’s search engine rankings, as well as to ensure that accurate information is being presented about the brand or product.

Link reclamation involves identifying instances where a website or page has been mentioned but not linked, or where a link to a website or page has become broken due to changes in the URL or other factors. Once these instances have been identified, efforts are made to reach out to the webmaster or author of the content to request that the link be updated or added.

Link reclamation is important because it helps to maximize the value of a website’s backlink profile. By identifying and correcting broken or lost links, a website can improve its search engine rankings and increase its visibility online. Additionally, link reclamation can help to protect a brand’s reputation by ensuring that accurate and up-to-date information is being presented about the brand or product.