Resource page link building is a link building strategy that involves identifying high-quality resource pages on other websites and requesting a link to your own content. Resource pages are typically pages that provide a list of links to other useful resources or websites in a particular niche or industry.

Here are the steps to do resource page link building:

  1. Identify resource pages: Use search operators like “intitle:resources” or “inurl:resources” along with relevant keywords to find resource pages in your niche. You can also use tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush to find relevant resource pages.
  2. Analyze the resource page: Analyze the resource page and check if your content is relevant and valuable to the audience of the page. Check the quality and authority of the website, the relevance of the page, and the quality of the existing links.
  3. Reach out to website owners: Contact the website owner or author and notify them about your relevant and high-quality content. Suggest your content as a valuable addition to their resource page.
  4. Follow up: If you don’t receive a response, send a follow-up email. Be polite and persistent in your outreach efforts.
  5. Monitor your links: Keep track of the links you have built through resource page link building. Make sure that the links remain live and that the content on your website remains high-quality and relevant.

Resource page link building can be an effective strategy for improving your website’s authority and search engine rankings. By building links from high-quality resource pages, you can build a strong backlink profile and improve your website’s visibility online.